Honorary & fees


The notary’s fees are regulated by the Council of State. The notary is also required to collect taxes and duties from the Tax Administration, as well as State fees such as those of the Land Registry, the Commercial Registry and the Justice of the Peace.


You can at any time ask us to draw up a free estimate in connection with the operation you are considering.


Fees for setting up a company (including registration fees and Commercial Register fees) :

1) Public limited company (SA):                                       from Fr. 2’850.–

2) Limited liability company (Sàrl):                                from Fr. 2’350.–.


Depending on the specific nature of the transaction, the Firm reserves the right to charge additional fees.


The invoice is composed, according to the operations requested :

1) Notary Fees* and/or fees,

2) Tax Administration registration fees, 

3) Fees from the Land Registry, Commercial Registry or Justice,

4) Miscellaneous fees, disbursements and VAT.


* We apply the Règlement genevois sur les émoluments de notaires (RS/GE E6 05.03). 

Accepted means of payment

We accept all credit or debit cards displaying the Mastercard logo, Visa, American Express and Discover / Diners as well as contactless (NFC) payments via Google and Apple Pay.Accepted_Cards_Update.png

The card is accepted for payments not exceeding CHF 1’000.





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